Busty and sumptuous, the beautiful Veronika comes from the East for your pleasure
Gender : Female
Category : Pornstar
Citizenship : Czech
Ethnicity : Caucasian
Height : 1.73m (5.67ft)
Weight : 53Kg (116.6lbs)
Eye Color : Brown
Hair Color : Blonde
Body Type : Luscious
AKA: Alena, Amanda, Amber, Angelika, Ariel, Cassy, Desiree, Katja, Nancy, Nastassja, Natascha, Nika, Roxy, Roxy Carter, Sheena, Velvet, Vero, Veronica, Veronica Drake, Veronica K, Veronika, Veronika C, Veronika H, Veronika Hanakova, Vicky, Violet, Zlata
Category : Pornstar
Citizenship : Czech
Ethnicity : Caucasian
Height : 1.73m (5.67ft)
Weight : 53Kg (116.6lbs)
Eye Color : Brown
Hair Color : Blonde
Body Type : Luscious
AKA: Alena, Amanda, Amber, Angelika, Ariel, Cassy, Desiree, Katja, Nancy, Nastassja, Natascha, Nika, Roxy, Roxy Carter, Sheena, Velvet, Vero, Veronica, Veronica Drake, Veronica K, Veronika, Veronika C, Veronika H, Veronika Hanakova, Vicky, Violet, Zlata

50 photos in 1 gallery and 44min of film in 4 videos are actually online with Veronika for our members