Louis de Mirabert


The little beurette is really naughty and really very cute
sexe : Female
Category : Pornstar
Nationalité : Française
Ethnicity : Meridionale
Taille : 1.61m (5.28ft)
Poids : 46Kg (101.2lbs)
Couleur des yeux : Brown
Couleur de cheveux : Auburn
Body Type : Slim
Tristan, helped by his assistant Angela Cristal, organizes a photo session with the beautiful Angelo and two little girls, Shaina and Sofie, in a dream setting
The tender and adorable little model deploys all her charms to seduce the photographer; if she does not succeed, I am nevertheless certain that she will charm you. (Continued and end)
The little girl teases you while waiting for the photographer to arrive for an erotic session (To be contiued.......;)
36min de film dans 3 vidéos sont actuellement en ligne avec Shaina pour nos membres